As of August 9, 2023, a PartnerGateway account will no longer be required to access the LTRAIN External Training website. If you created an account, please use the Guest Access login.
To access the LTRAIN External Training Website visit: .
LLNL Access:
LLNL Users with OUN/AD sign in using the button underneath the LLNL logo.
- OUN - Official User Name (e.g. Smith1).
- AD - Active Directory password used to access internal LLNL network.
Guest Access:
Sign in here if you do not have BOTH an OUN AND AD password.
- OUN - Official User Name (e.g. Smith1).
- AD - Active Directory password used to access internal LLNL network.
The Email, First Name, and Last Name are required fields.
A completion email will be sent to to the email provided, please keep it for your records.
General Employee Training (GET) Requirements Lists:
GET Training for LLNS Employees
Please email ltrain-help [at] (ltrain-help[at]llnl[dot]gov), or call (925) 424-5475 for assistance.